Sunday, May 23, 2010
There are so many memories i have of Rose and Melvin so I will just go with the ones that are close to my heart and always bring a smile to my face. I had the honor and privilege to stay with Rise and Melvin back in the early 80's, ya know back when we all had a full head of hair except you Duane ha ha . Anyway that time i spent with them in Othello was priceless. I was in my twenties and they their 60's and I had everything I could to keep pace with them. I often wondered why the just didn't install a revolving door in the house because the was no sitting still. except for a little nap to recharge and away the would go again. You definitely would not go hungry that is for sure. Rose would pack enough lunch in my lunch box for two days ha ha but I always made sure it was all gone when i came home for the day. And after a long day Melvin and I would have an occasional night cap to slow the motors down for bedtime. ha ha I could go on and on but those are the moments I hold close to my heart . Thank You Rose and Melvin for you shared with me and taught me over the years. I will always cherish them forever. THANK YOU!!!!