Saturday, January 12, 2019
The Haase Gang will forever hold Bette in our hearts. We have so many wonderful memories of Bette and Victor ... I believe we can hear Bette saying "Victor" at this very moment, as only she could say. Mom and Bette talked daily when they lived on the farms -- and by daily, I mean SEVERAL times a day. No matter who answered the phone, we were all lucky when it was our turn to tease and exchange a few words with Bette before handing the phone over to Mom. I remember thinking, how can two people have so much to say to one another ... now I know what it was a blessing for my Mom to have a friend like Bette. They didn't call it date night back in the day ... but Mom, Dad, Bette and Victor would often have 'double date' night in Ritzville, dining at the Circle T where the 'blimp' was often the preferred dinner. And then the Knodels would join in the fun and they would head to Washtunca. I'm fairly certain I would not have believed all of the adventures that happened on those excursions. How blessed were were to know such great families. We shared many laughs and memories at the Lind UCC church too! Bette's famous Baked Beans is actually the one dish I can actually make and have never messed up. This dish will forever be Bette's beans ... Bette ... one of a kind. Please keep my Dad in line in heaven!